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City police request the public's help

North Bay Police News Release ******************* The North Bay Police Service would like to request the help of the general public through the media in these findings.
North Bay Police
News Release


The North Bay Police Service would like to request the help of the general public through the media in these findings.

On the 16th of April a small metal safe was locked in the shallow waters of Trout Lake at the Cove in Birchhaven.
This safe contained various watches, certificates, newspaper clippings, bonds and documents in the name of John William Croghan who was born in 1903 and one Alice Croghan with a maiden name of Booth.

Cst. Steve Taylor is the investigating officer and is of the belief that this is probably property, some of which appears to be valuable, was the result of a break and enter.

Any information may be called in to 497-5555.
