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Canadore's best kept secret

Third year Graphic Design students at Canadore College hosted an open house Friday to showcase their portfolios as they gear up for their graduation.
Third year Graphic Design students at Canadore College hosted an open house Friday to showcase their portfolios as they gear up for their graduation.

The portfolios show the progression of their work over the last three years and College President Barbara Taylor says she is truly impressed with the level of professionalism displayed in the collections.

“There is so much talent here,” She says.

“I think we (Graphic Design program) are still the best kept secret in town.”

Graduating student Andrew Jolie, who is moving on to university to further his studies, says it is important to have a good portfolio when cold calling potential clients.

“It is important to have a portfolio that captures the clients’ interest,” he explains.

“For example I have a book with the bag descriptions as well I have I have a sample bag for them to touch and feel because people are different in what they like and you want to cover the whole market.”

Instructor Carol Bridle, who put the open house together, says she is proud of what the students have put together.

“It’s exciting to see all the portfolios together … I marked them in individual phases but it is impressive to see them all together.”

Bridle says the open house is not just an opportunity to showcase the student’s work, but that it is also an important opportunity for students to connect with potential clients.

“We already have 6 students who secured jobs during the March break, and that is our ultimate goal … for our students to work,” she explains.

“It’s a great networking event, we have business people from the area coming in and it is a great for them to talk because someone always knows someone.”

Bridle agrees that the program is a well kept secret in the community but hopes by continuing the showcases businesses will see the quality education the students receive and it will be a secret no more.