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Canadians quirky beneath the sheets

A Sunbeam Products poll uncovers that gender, regional differences are apparent when it comes to intimacy, snoring and stuffed animals. Full details contained in news release below.
A Sunbeam Products poll uncovers that gender, regional differences are apparent when it comes to intimacy, snoring and stuffed animals.

Full details contained in news release below.


TORONTO - Men sleep in the nude more frequently than women, Quebecers are intimate more often than other Canadians, and 18- to 34-year-olds enjoy cuddling more than baby boomers, according to a recent poll on Canadian sleep preferences commissioned by Sunbeam and conducted by Harris/Decima.

While 33 per cent of Canadians regularly sleep in the nude, the poll revealed that men overwhelmingly prefer sleeping in the buff compared to women (40 versus 23 per cent). Men also won out in the snoring category, with 47 per cent of men snoring regularly (or admitting they do) versus only 33 per cent of women.

In an apparent gender reversal, 34 per cent of men prefer to cuddle regularly with a partner, while only 24 per cent of women like to do so. The poll also found that 18- to 34-year-olds were most likely (39 per cent) to cuddle with a partner regularly compared to other age brackets (27 per cent for both 35- to 54-year-olds and those over 55).

Regionally, Quebecers come out ahead on two fronts. Quebecers prefer sleeping in the nude more than other Canadians (37 per cent versus 34 per cent of Ontarians, 31 per cent of Western Canadians and 25 per cent of Eastern Canadians). Quebecers also take the prize for intimacy, with 68 per cent indicating they are intimate on a regular basis, compared to 60 per cent of Ontarians, 58 per cent of Westerners, and 57 per cent of Maritimers.

"While we've uncovered some fun and amusing statistics with this survey, we haven't lost sight of the fact that getting a good night's sleep is imperative to our well-being," said Nadège Kéléchian, Director of Marketing for Jarden Consumer Solutions. "Sleep is an important part of our business, thus we hope that by continuing the dialogue on this subject, we will encourage Canadians to investigate how they can get a better night's rest."

Our beds, our havens

"For many Canadians, the bed is a peaceful refuge, a place to spend quality time alone, with family or with pets. It's a haven and we should take time to outfit our beds with comfortable sheets, and cozy, warm bedding to make the time we spend there, both asleep and awake, as relaxing as possible," added Kéléchian.

In general, 31 per cent of Canadians spend at least one to three hours per week in their beds, outside of time spent sleeping, with 12 per cent spending four to five hours and nine per cent of Canadians spending six to 10 hours.

Apart from sleeping, Canadians most frequently spend time in their beds being intimate (61 per cent) and reading (59 per cent). Other popular activities Canadians do in bed include watching television (35 per cent), listening to music (12 per cent), spending time with pets (10 per cent) spending time with kids (8 percent), eating (4 percent) and working (3 per cent). Eleven per cent of Canadians indicate they only use their beds for sleeping, with Maritimers indicating this most frequently (14 per cent).

To sleep, perchance to dream (or speak, snore or steal)

Unquestionably, Canadians spend the majority of their time in bed sleeping. During the hours spent slumbering, however, we put our multi-tasking skills to work with numerous nighttime activities:

- Half of all Canadians are Tosser Turners, with men exhibiting the behaviour slightly more than women (52 per cent versus 48 per cent).

- 41 per cent of Canadians become Freight Trains, snoring the night away. Men overwhelming lead the charge (47 per cent versus 33 per cent).

- Sheet Stealers - 14 per cent of Canadians grab the sheets, with women in the majority (16 per cent compared to 12 per cent).

- Couch / Bed Potatoes - 12 per cent of Canadians sleep with the television on (14 per cent of women and 11 per cent of men)

- Pig in a blanket - 11 per cent of Canadians admit to hogging the bed, women more so than men (12 per cent versus 10 per cent).

- Chatty Cathys - 10 per cent of Canadians talk in their sleep. Here, too, women take the lead (13 per cent compared to 9 per cent of men).

- And three per cent of Canadians are Bear Huggers, sleeping with stuffed animals (five per cent of women compared to one per cent of men).

Battle of the sexes

Overall, women indicate a poorer quality of sleep than their male counterparts, and typically prefer warmer sleeping environments, with 29 per cent using extra blankets for warmth, versus only 15 per cent of men choosing to do so. For couples (married or common law), room temperatures differences were an issue for one in five Canadians (19 per cent).

"Compromise is one of the most important aspects of a relationship, but when it comes to bed temperature, couples are often on opposite sides of the duvet," explained Kéléchian. "One of the benefits of Sunbeam(R) warming blankets and mattress pads are the dual controllers, which allow sleep partners to choose their own preferred sleep temperature for their 'side' of the product.". It's a worthwhile investment to keep couples happy."
