Editor's note: Ms. Livingstone writes in response to a previous BayToday letter Province is wasting our taxes on Ontario Place redevelopment.
To the editor:
Yesterday I went on Vic Fedeli's website and sent him the following message. If you agree with me, please send Vic a message too.
"I am disgusted with the plans for Ontario Place. Everyone in the Ford government holds responsibility for allowing his ridiculous ideas to go forward. Hospitals are suffering while we give funds so a foreign company can come and make a profit. All this government cares about is getting more liquor into people's hands and promoting gambling - look at all the American gambling companies operating in Ontario.
"Talks of underground highways and underwater parking lots (and what damage is that going to do to Lake Ontario in the long run) and the push to privatize health care. During the pandemic we the citizens were told that long-term care homes would receive air conditioning, and classrooms would be upgraded, and we were promised improved health care. None of these promises have been fulfilled. There was a promise made to not touch the Greenbelt and then they tried to touch the Greenbelt.
"Under the Ford watch, we have more homeless people as rents soar out of reach of a lot of citizens. Ford has done nothing to benefit anyone but his cronies. Enough already. Stop destroying our way of life."
Roberta Livingstone
North Bay