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LETTER: Family member 'shocked' by lack of response to business owner's concerns

'Please explain why the police and city choose to ignore this huge issue, are they waiting for someone to get hurt or god forbid killed?'
Drug deals operate in broad daylight on Main St. E. Prostitution is also a growing problem says Bonnie Zufelt.

Note: The author writes in response to 'We need help' businesswoman pleads to police and civic leaders.

To the editor:

In response to the Bonnie Zufelt article, I am shocked that no one has replied. I also know what happens at this place having seen it myself.

Please explain why the police and city choose to ignore this huge issue, are they waiting for someone to get hurt or god forbid killed? The place is a cesspool of trouble that needs to be taken care of. Does the owner of the place have someone in their pocket? Lord smarten up take care of it! I am ashamed of our police and city council, what is wrong with all of you?


Deborah Zufelt

North Bay