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Thursday, September 22, 2005

SEAT BELT CAMPAIGN The North Bay Police Service wishes to advise the motoring public that it along with numerous other police services will be conducting a fall seat belt enforcement campaign. This will take place from Sept. 24 to Sept. 30.
The North Bay Police Service wishes to advise the motoring public that it along with numerous other police services will be conducting a fall seat belt enforcement campaign.

This will take place from Sept. 24 to Sept. 30.

The North Bay Police Service has dedicated specific officers to this task, as well as general patrol officers.

Failure to properly wear a vehicle seat belt may result in a charge, and if convicted, there is a loss of two demerit
points on a driver's licence. This is also applicable for anyone under 16 within the vehicle in relation to the driver losing two demerit points on his or her licence.