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Monday, November 14, 2005

Carrying Pipe On the 10th of Nov. during mid afternoon Cst. Ken Rice and Helen Kent of the North Bay Police Service received a call to attend an apartment in the 400 block of First Av. W. in relation to a disturbance.
Carrying Pipe
On the 10th of Nov. during mid afternoon Cst. Ken Rice and Helen Kent of the North Bay Police Service received a call to attend an apartment in the 400 block of First Av. W. in relation to a disturbance.
The officers arrived and located a man within the building. This man was alleged to have a metal pipe hidden on his person.
David Ovide JANVEAU 21 years old of High St. is charged with Carrying a Concealed Weapon and Weapons Dangerous. He was kept in custody for a bail hearing.

Fail To Remain Collision
On the 13th of Nov. shortly after 3 AM Cst. Helen Kent and Kristopher Corbeil of the North Bay Police Service received a call to attend a fail to remain motor vehicle collision on Sherrif Ave. A vehicle had allegedly struck the rear of a building and the driver had run away from the scene. The officers conducted their investigation into the alleged incident and arrested a male person some 15 minutes later.
Mason Daniel BARBER 20 years old of Duke St. is charged with Impaired Driving, Driving with over 80 milligrams of Alcohol in his Blood and Failing to Remain at the Scene of a Collision under the Criminal Code. He is to attend court on the 20th of Dec.

Theft Of Medication
The North Bay Police Service continues to receive reports of people having their medication stolen from their residences. These medications usually involve narcotics or narcotic derivatives. Our Service is cautioning the public about the importance of keeping this type of medication hidden and away from houseguests.

Safety Lanes
The North Bay Police Service along with enforcement officers of the Ministry of Transportation will be holding a safety lane day at our Headquarters on Princess St. on Tuesday the 15th of Nov.
The media are more than welcome to attend for photo opportunities and interviews. This will take place in the lower garage at the rear of the building.