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North Bay Blaze Squirt Selects bring home Silver Medals

Blaze perfect in round-robin portion of the Whitby tournament.

North Bay sent their best young female fastball players in the 11 & 12 year-old age category to compete against southern Ontario teams in a one-day tournament this past weekend. 

The girls brought a touch of the North to the Whitby tournament with their aggressive batting, outstanding pitching and solid defence. 

Many were exposed to tournament action for the first time but that didn't stop them from winning both their round-robin games sending them directly to the Championship round. 

A hard fought game against some seasoned pitchers had them come up short in the final, bringing home a silver medal.

Team members include:(front row left to right) Ashlyn Auger, Caitlyn Sloan, Marina Valenti, Faith Michauville, Isabelle Haddow, Sydney McCormack, (back row l-r) Katie Sawyer, Katherine Loder, Sahara Arnold, Hailee Steeves, Genevieve Dunn.  Coaches are Richard Michauville, Valerie Valenti and Paul Auger.


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