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Local lifter sets Canadian record in Masters Division

In the snatch, he made 81 and 84 kilos and then called for 87 for his last attempt
Dave Harding with his 187 kilo snatch record

A local weightlifter set a Canadian record last weekend the 2024 Canadian Master Weightlifting Championship, hosted by the Heracles Weightlifting Club of Rouyn-Noranda.

The event attracted 127 lifters from across the country. Three athletes from the local Norsemen and Valkyries represented Ontario and were very successful in their efforts.

On Saturday, Dave Harding lifted in the 50-54-year-old category and the 89-kilo class. Prior to the competition, Dave had plans to break the National records which stood at 86 kilos in the snatch and 120 in the clean and jerk. 

In the snatch, he made 81 and 84 kilos and then called for 87 for his last attempt. He was successful and set a new record. On to the clean and jerk, he made 105 and then a personal best of 116. The bar was then loaded to the Canadian record of 121 kilos. Harding gave maximum effort to shoulder (clean) the weight and then prepared for the jerk. He drove the bar high but was unable to fix it overhead. 

Dave’s total of 203 gave him the gold medal in his class. The silver medalist was Lee Willis of Ontario, the bronze went to Martine Bougie of Quebec.

On Friday Sylvie Guenette competed in the female 55-59 year old category. She made 55 kilos in the snatch and 63 in the clean jerk for a total of 108 and the gold medal in the 64-kilo class.  After the age category medal presentations, Sylvie was named the Best Lifter of the entire grouping.

On Saturday, Tim McAuliffe took to the platform in the male 55-59 grouping and 89-kilo class. Tim made all three of his snatch attempts ending with 65 kilos. In the clean and jerk, he made 85 to register a total of 150 kilos. He finished fourth in his weight division.