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Call for North Bay Sports Hall of Fame Nominations

Submit your nominations via email to [email protected] 
sports hall of fame logo turl 2016

The North Bay Sports Awards Committee is inviting nominations from the North Bay sporting community. Each year, recipients are selected based on their sporting achievements in each of the following categories:

  • Jack Burrows Memorial Sports Achievement Award
  • Peter Palangio Award for long-time dedication and contribution to sport
  • Al Brennan Memorial Trophy for Coach of the year
  • Jim Aspin Memorial Award for Executive of the year
  • Dedication to Soccer Award
  • Dominico Family Award for contribution to the sport of softball/baseball
  • Judge Harry J. Reynolds Memorial trophy for dedication to the sport of hockey
  • George Martyn Memorial Trophy for dedication to the sport of basketball
  • James Kelly Memorial Award for Team of the Year
  • Mort Fellman Memorial Award for outstanding achievement by a local female athlete
  • Britt Jessup Memorial Trophy for outstanding achievement by a local male athlete

Submit your nominations via email to [email protected] 

In preparing your nomination, please provide as much detail as you can about the accomplishments and/or achievements of the individual or team you wish to nominate.

Deadline for submissions is Monday, January 9th, 2017.

Awards will be presented at the North Bay Sports Hall of Fame 37th Annual Induction and Awards Dinner to be held at the Best Western Lakeshore on Saturday May 6th, 2016.



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