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Would be great if Rocco also did a story on people like myself who also live in Armour Township who live totally off grid and do not source or feed back to the public grid. Our home is self sufficient and solely for our purpose only. Being totally off grid for your own purposes is also very rewarding and has it's own benefits as well. No hydro bills, no brown outs- we only hear of power outages via face book or tv/radio, other then that we would have no clue. We have been living off grid here for over 10 years, yes it does have it challenges when during the winter months with no sun and cloudy days but overall well worth the investment.
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No listings have been posted by Tracee Schell
Would be great if Rocco also did a story on people like myself who also live in Armour Township who live totally off grid and do not source or feed back to the public grid. Our home is self sufficient and solely for our purpose only. Being totally off grid for your own purposes is also very rewarding and has it's own benefits as well. No hydro bills, no brown outs- we only hear of power outages via face book or tv/radio, other then that we would have no clue. We have been living off grid here for over 10 years, yes it does have it challenges when during the winter months with no sun and cloudy days but overall well worth the investment.
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