Literacy Nipissing is pleased to announce the release of the next book in the Santa Series written by Dennis Chippa and illustrated by the art students of Widdifield Secondary School, Back to Work for Santa’s Elves.
This book tells the story about a summer vacation that Santa and his helpers take in our beautiful city, before they have to begin the heavy work of getting ready for Christmas. It is exciting to see our city from the viewpoint of this hard working Christmas crew.
To celebrate the launch of this book, we are hosting a Family Fun Day at Widdifield Secondary School on Saturday November 12, 2016 from 1 – 4 P.M.
There will be games, crafts, snacks and even a visit from Santa. The cost for this event is $10 per adult and all children are free. Every child who attends will receive a free copy of the book to help them get in the Christmas spirit.
For more information, you can call the staff at Literacy Nipissing at 705-494-9416.