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Jumping into fall at Trinity Church

The Manitou Collection celebrates and honours Indigenous culture and the title was chosen to pay tribute to the Indigenous name for the Great Spirit

Nestled in the narthex of Trinity United Church in downtown North Bay is a painting titled “Cleansing of the Spirit” by Leland Bell. Creating art is a deeply spiritual experience for Mr. Bell, Anishinaabe from Manitoulin Island. His painting is one of 37 found in various United Churches across the Canadian Shield region.

The Manitou Collection celebrates and honours Indigenous culture and the title was chosen to pay tribute to the Indigenous name for the Great Spirit. Each painting symbolizes the past and highlights the journey forward, together, into healing. Trinity Church strives to honour our Indigenous friends throughout the year by participating in various activities, such as Orange Shirt Day at the end of September.

Apple pie production has begun! Volunteers are busy in the Trinity kitchen preparing pies which are sold in our annual fundraiser. Pies are sold for $15 each and “people are urged to get their orders in early”, according to the master planner and baker, Darlene Laferriere.

Trinity’s Rally Back Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 8 at 2 pm at Camp Tillicum on the south shore of Lake Nipissing, rain or shine. Folks will need to bring a lawn chair, utensils, plates, cups and a potluck appetizer or salad item. Sandwich items and ice cream bars will be supplied. Games for all ages followed by a Vespers device will fill the afternoon. All are welcome!

Sunday morning children’s programs have begun! Lisa Blais, the Faith Formation and Outreach Minister, states that “children will explore the lives of people in the Bible such as Ruth and Naomi, Abraham and Sarah, Mary and Joseph through science, arts and crafts, cooking, songs, games and storytelling.” Thanksgiving Sunday, October 13th, includes a Baptism service.  Reverend Ted urges that “families interested in Baptism on this Sunday should be in touch with the Trinity office ASAP”. Later in the fall, the children will start practicing for the annual Christmas Pageant, always a church favourite.

Additional important dates are as follows:

Sunday, September 22nd: Saint Francis Sunday featuring a “blessing of pets” liturgy

Sunday, September 29th: All of North Bay’s United Churches worship together at Carmichael United Church

Sunday, October 6th: World-Wide Communion Day

Sunday, October 20th: Stewardship Sunday, celebrating how we give back

Sunday, October 27th: All are welcome to wear a Hallowe’en costume to church

Saturday, November 9th: UCW Christmas Tea and Bazaar

Sunday November 10th: Remembrance Sunday

Sunday, November 24th: AOTS Sunday (where this wonderful men’s group runs the service and the women relax in the pews!)

Sunday, December 1st: First Sunday in Advent, a Communion Service 

December will bring Christmas festivities such as the Christmas Cookie Walk, Joy Band Concert, Children’s Christmas Pageant and a glorious Christmas Cantata performed by the Senior Choir. Trinity United Church continues to open its doors to the wider community of North Bay. All are welcome! Additional information can be obtained by phoning the church office at 705-474-3310 OR visiting our website at