NORTH BAY – Saturday, November 5, 2016 was International Volunteer Managers Day.
Volunteers are a cornerstone of many communities and the Nipissing Volunteer Managers Network (NVMN) knows firsthand the importance of volunteers who contribute endless time and effort to local causes. Volunteers are frequently acknowledged for their commitment and dedication to the community. However, November 5 is a day to also recognize the important role played by Volunteer Managers who work tirelessly to recruit, train, coordinate, and support their volunteers.
The Nipissing Volunteer Managers Network is comprised of 20 organisations within the Nipissing District: AIDs Committee of North Bay and Area, Amelia Rising, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Red Cross, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), Canadore College, HANDS The Family Help Network, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Heritage Gardeners, Joint Volunteer Program (One Kids Place), L’Arche North Bay, Métis Nation of Ontario, Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC), Nipissing University, North Bay and District Multicultural Centre, North Bay Regional Health Centre, Project HOAP, Victims Services, United Way Sudbury and Nipissing Districts, and the YMCA.
The NVMN aims to foster excellence in volunteer management through peer support and professional development in an effort to advance the value of volunteerism in the district of Nipissing.
“We care about keeping our volunteers engaged by providing opportunities that are fulfilling and meaningful,” says Katina Matheson, Community Coordinator at United Way Nipissing. “Our volunteers bring diverse skill sets and incredible talent to the organisations they support and it is an honour to work with each and every one of them.”
For more information on the Nipissing Volunteer Managers Network or to learn about local volunteer opportunities, please visit our facebook page at