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Don't drink that water!

Heating oil contains many compounds that have the potential to contaminate municipal drinking water supplies.
water unfit warning shutterstock_322989869 2016
File photo.


The North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit has been advised of home heating oil leaching into Chant Plein Lake, West of Mattawa. The Health Unit is advising residents who live on Chant Plein Lake, and who draw drinking water from the lake, not to consume water if their intake is near the fuel oil sheen. Currently the contamination is contained by ice to a small portion of the lake. Should the weather condition change, it may expand. It is not known, at this time, if any water wells have been affected by the leaching oil. Water wells located near the spill may be at risk. If the water from your well smells, or has a visible sheen of oil, do not drink it. For health or drinking water related concerns, please contact the Health Unit at 705-474-1400 extension 2400, or Toll Free: 1-800-563-2808 extension 2400. Concerns related to clean-up and site remediation are to be directed to the local Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change office, General Inquiry: 705-497-6865, or Toll Free: 800-609-5553. For more information, call the Health Unit at 705-474-1400 or 1-800-563-2808, or learn more at

“The Health Unit has partnered with Papineau-Cameron Township to notify residents in the area, and will be working with the Ministry of the Environment in assessing the extent of the spill and site clean-up.” Robert A-Muhong Manager, Environmental Health

Quick Facts  Heating oil contains many compounds that have the potential to contaminate municipal drinking water supplies  The most known compounds are benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes, called BTEX. BTEX compounds dissolve easily in water which means that they can travel in ground and surface water. They have strong odours and taste.