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Transport crash on Highway 64

Noëlville OPP officers were called to this crash Thursday morning on Hwy. 64 west of Monetville, a community west of West Nipissing. There were no injuries and the driver was charged with careless driving.

Noëlville OPP officers were called to this crash Thursday morning on Hwy. 64 west of Monetville, a community west of West Nipissing.

There were no injuries and the driver was charged with careless driving.

A Facebook post indicates weather may have been a factor.

"Winter weather is upon us. Remind motorists to slow down & drive according to road & weather conditions."

Highway 64 is the same road and area (Alban) that saw a transport hit a culvert and flip onto a house roof last month.

See: Charges laid in that bizarre Alban truck crash (video)





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