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Toronto's Science Centre closed by risk of potential roof panel failure

Professional engineers found serious structural issues with the Ontario Science Centre building that could materialize as early as this winter
The Ontario Science Centre in Toronto.

A shocking new report says the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto may be unsafe, prompting it to be closed.

The new report from professional engineers found serious structural issues with the Ontario Science Centre building that could materialize as early as this winter. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the CEO of the Ontario Science Centre have recommended, and the Board of Trustees of the Ontario Science Centre has agreed, to close the facility at 770 Don Mills Road effective today.

Previously scheduled private events will be permitted to occur over the weekend.

“The actions taken today will protect the health and safety of visitors and staff at the Ontario Science Centre while supporting its eventual reopening in a new, state-of-the-art facility,” said Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure. “In the meantime, we are making every effort to avoid disruption to the public and help the Ontario Science Centre continue delivering on its mandate through an interim facility, as well as alternative programming options.”

Infrastructure Ontario commissioned this engineering report due to reports of roof failure in other jurisdictions that used specific roof panels that are also found at the Ontario Science Centre facility. The report found that the building, which is more than 50 years old, is at risk of potential roof panel failure due to snow load as early as this winter. 

"The latest engineering assessment shows that the roof structure in parts of the facility was built using construction materials and systems that are now outdated and that certain roof panels are deteriorating. While the building remains safe over the summer with an enhanced process for rainwater monitoring and roof facility management, these months will be required for staff to safely vacate the building," says a news release.

"Infrastructure Ontario has worked for decades to assess, manage and mitigate the challenges presented by ageing infrastructure. As in all the public buildings we manage, the safety of everyone visiting or working in those buildings is our top priority," said Michael Lindsay, CEO of Infrastructure Ontario. “Through planned diligence with our facility managers and engineers, we discovered material issues, in addition to existing issues, at the Ontario Science Centre that would require significant investment and a vacant facility to remediate.”

The province is reimbursing all members of the Ontario Science Centre and summer camp participants within 30 days. The province has also identified a nearby school that will house similar programming as an alternative location for summer camps free of charge for previously registered campers.

Work continues to build a new permanent home for the Science Centre at Ontario Place with an opening slated for 2028. .

“For more than five decades, the Ontario Science Centre has been a beloved landmark and an integral part of our community and our province. Our building itself has been part of the experience, and a cherished space for generations of visitors, sparking wonder and curiosity about science and the world around us, every day.” said Paul Kortenaar, CEO of Ontario Science Centre. “The memories created within these walls are truly special – and are the foundation on which we will build our future.”