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Top 5 reasons to donate blood

Canadian Blood Services News Release *********************** Over the next year Canadian Blood Services nationally will need to collect 900,000 units of blood.
Canadian Blood Services
News Release


Over the next year Canadian Blood Services nationally will need to collect 900,000 units of blood. In North/East Ontario we will be looking to recruit 9,000 new donors to meet the growing demand for blood from hospitals.

Here are the top five reasons Canadians should resolve to donate blood in 2009:

5. We have treats. After your donation, you will retire to our refreshment area where you will be served a special treat by our friendly staff. You also don’t have to feel guilty about your diet because…

4. You will weigh less after your donation. On average, the human body contains five litres of blood. During the blood donation process, approximately 495 ml of blood is removed, temporarily reducing your overall weight and allowing you to enjoy your refreshments guilt-free.

3. There is no substitute. Blood cannot be manufactured and different people require different blood types. Our inventory must contain a variety of blood types at all times. Your blood might be the type we need most.

2. You have what it takes. Patients are depending on the generosity of their fellow Canadians. It takes about 50 donors to collect enough blood for the victim of a car accident, about 100 donors to collect enough blood for a liver transplant and it takes about eight donors per week to collect enough blood for one cancer patient.

1. You can save lives. The best reason of all to donate blood is that one donation has the potential to save or improve up to three lives.

We are encouraging local North Bay residents to come out and donate at the Community Blood Donor Clinic on Wednesday January 14 and 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. as well as from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. located at the Elks Lodge, 325 Elks Lane, North Bay.

If you haven't given blood in the past two months, please call 1 888 2 DONATE today and book your next appointment to save lives.
