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That thermal underwear in your'll need it tonight!

It's time to pull out all the stops when it comes to keeping warm. The near-record cold continues in the North Bay area with an extreme cold warning still in effect. A wind chill in the low minus 40's is expected tonight.
20171227 cold weather man freezing AdobeStock_60437370
It's gonna be cold!

It's time to pull out all the stops when it comes to keeping warm.

The near-record cold continues in the North Bay area with an extreme cold warning still in effect. 

A wind chill in the low minus 40's is expected tonight.

The mercury bottomed out at minus 32.3 degrees at 7 o'clock this morning. That's just 1.3 degrees shy of the 1993 record low for December 28th. The usual low is around minus 16.

Meantime, we could break a record overnight. The forecast is calling for a low around minus 32.  The record low for December 29th, minus 31.7 degrees, was set in 1951.