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Stakeholders fear ice fishing will disappear on Lake Nipissing

“Maybe the Ontario Liberal government needs to look at subsidizing our losses."
ice hut turl 2015
Photo by Jeff Turl.

Scott Nelson believes a controversial decision by Nipissing First Nation to ask the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to close the winter walleye fishery for the 2016-17 ice fishing season on Lake Nipissing will all but eliminate ice fishing on the large northern lake.   

See that story here:

The President of the Lake Nipissing Stakeholders Association isn’t surprised at the news and the organization will not criticize the area First Nation for making the call.  

“They make some good points,” admitted Nelson. 

“Although we are only keeping 3% of the fish we can catch, and we can legally keep, that there is a 20% mortality rate just by dragging them up off the bottom, depending on how deep of water you are fishing.”  

If the MNRF accepts the recommendation then Nelson says tourist outfitters surrounding the lake will be looking for some government help. 

Nelson believes the government needs to look at subsidizing the tourism industry on Lake Nipissing that depends on ice fishing.  

“Maybe the Ontario Liberal government needs to look at subsidizing our losses, because some of these industries, you are talking about shutting down their revenue completely, others 50%, others 25%,” he said.  

“What other industry are you going to ask to take that kind of hit and reduction in income and not be subsidized.”   

Nelson believes tourist outfitters on Lake Nipissing will not get enough business from ice fishing enthusiasts looking for perch.  He says those after perch will likely go to Lake Simcoe which is closer and has a larger perch population.    

Nelson says because the association is so small, the government has ignored their attempts at setting up meetings to address their concerns.

“There have been five (ministers) since I’ve been fighting this battle, five that have changed hands, and we have not met with one of them although we have requested meetings, they have never bothered to meet with us,” said Nelson. 

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