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Sport North Bay wants answers on new rink

'We hope their responses will help when you determine who to give your support to when you vote'
2015 11 23 hockey nets turl
Sport North Bay has a number of issues it wants to add to the municipal; election discussion, including the proposed twin-pad rink at Omischl.

"With the Municipal Elections around the corner, Sport North Bay has requested all candidates to respond to four questions as follows.

  1. Do you support the current plans for the new Recreational Centre at Omischl?
  2. What is your vision for the community in regard to the so-called soft services…environment, sport and recreation, facilities, culture and tourism?
  3. Would you support council considering freezing rental fees for the next two years due to the inflation issues families are currently facing?
  4. Memorial  Gardens  is a wonderful facility that is very much under utilized. Do you have specific ideas on how to increase community use and accessibility of this facility?

"We have asked for their responses to be submitted by tomorrow (Friday, September 23rd,)" says Heather Chambers, Chair  "Next week, we will begin circulating their responses. We hope their responses will help when you determine who to give your support to when you vote."


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