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Snow depth back to normal

A slight change since the last snow survey on January 15
20200129 snow depth beaver
Courtesy North Bay Mattawa Conservatuion Authority.

Snow depth and water content is close to normal for this time of the year with slight change since the last snow survey on January 15, reports the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) which measures snow depth and water content as part of its Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. 

“The average snow depth for all sites is 29.7 cm (88% normal) and average water equivalence is 55.3 mm (87% normal),” said Kurtis Romanchuk NBMCA’s Water Resources Engineer. The average snow depth was 54.8 cm and water equivalence was 115.3 mm for all sites in 2019.

Snow is measured for depth and water equivalence at three locations in the watershed. Data for the season can be found on the NBMCA website.

North Bay Golf and Country Club (Chippewa Creek Watershed, North Bay)                                                                                                                                  

Current Average Snow Depth for January 31, 2020

34.6 cm (109% of normal)

Current Average Water Equivalence for January 31, 2020

69.0 mm (100% of normal)

Average Snow Depth for January 31, 2019

51.6 cm

Highest recorded snow depth for January 31 since 2012*

64.3 cm in 2019

Corbeil Conservation Area (La Vase River Watershed, Corbeil)

Current Average Snow Depth for January 31, 2020

 26.4 cm (75% of normal)

Current Average Water Equivalence for January 31, 2020

 46 mm (78% of normal)

Average Snow Depth for January 31, 2019

 54.8 cm

Highest recorded snow depth for January 31 since 1988

 63.0 cm in 2009

Shirley Skinner Conservation Area (Kaibuskong River Watershed, Chisholm)

Current Average Snow Depth for January 31, 2020                                

 28.0 cm (79 % of normal)

Current Average Water Equivalence for January 31, 2020

 51.0 mm (82% of normal)

Average Snow Depth for January 31, 2019

Highest recorded snow depth for January 31 since 2007

 57.9 cm

 57.9 cm in 2019