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Sidewalk construction has begun

Work started on June 1 and is continuing until mid-June
20210601 sidewalk work
Construction at the corner of McKeown and Bain Street. Photo by Chris Dawson/BayToday.

The city reminds residents that four signalized intersections will be upgraded to have tactile indicator tiles installed at three locations in the city.   

Tactile indicator tiles provide a distinctive surface pattern which is used to alert visually impaired pedestrians as they near a street crossing.

The improvements will be at Airport at Pearce/Bain, McKeown at Josephine, McKeown at Champlain and McKeown at 850 McKeown.

Work started on June 1 and is continuing until mid-June.

Lane closures will be in effect during construction; however, all traffic will be able to move through the work zone.

Any inquiries should be directed to the City of North Bay Public Works Dispatch at 705-474-4340.