With Mattawa under a state of emergency due to flooding, all student transportation was cancelled, affecting the five area schools.
Now a plan has been developed to return both student transportation and attendance to as close to normal as possible while reducing school bus traffic through the downtown area of Mattawa and across the bridge.
School bus routes will operate as normal with the exception of the last leg that would cross the bridge.
- Your bus will pick you up and drop you off at the normal place and time. However, minor delays are a real possibility.
- If you are a walker who has to cross the bridge from the south side to the north side, go to FJ McElligott and a bus will take you across. The shuttle buses will leave at 8:30 a.m. so be there 5 to 10 minutes before.
- If you are a walker who has to cross the bridge from the north side to the south side, go to Ecole elementaire Ste Anne and a bus will take you across. The shuttle buses will leave at 8:30 a.m. so be there 5 to 10 minutes before.
- All walkers will be transported back to their pick up point at the end of the day with a drop off time of approximately 3:20 p.m.
Families who have been displaced due to evacuation are asked to contact the NPSSTS as soon as possible to ensure that they are included in the revised routes. This arrangement is scheduled to be implemented today.