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Rota off to Edinburgh with Minister MacKay

Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota News Release ********************** Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota will be accompanying Defence Minister Peter MacKay to an Afghanistan Regional Command South Meeting being held in Edinburgh, Scotland late
Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota
News Release


Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota will be accompanying Defence Minister Peter MacKay to an Afghanistan Regional Command South Meeting being held in Edinburgh, Scotland later this week. “I am very pleased to have this opportunity to take part in meetings to discuss Canada’s current and future military involvement in Afghanistan,” says Mr. Rota.

Mr. Rota, who is currently a Member of the Standing Committee on National Defence, as well as an Executive Member of the NATO Parliamentary Association, has also served as the Chair of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, and believes that each of these credentials lend themselves well to his involvement in the upcoming meetings.

“Given the presence of CFB North Bay in my riding, and the significant number of Canadian Armed Forces personnel residing in Nipissing-Timiskaming, I have always taken an active interest in Canada’s military commitments,” says Mr. Rota. “Furthermore, given the amount of feedback I’ve been receiving from constituents regarding Canada’s involvement in the war in Afghanistan, I feel that it is extremely important to relay their concerns to the people who have a hand in deciding our country’s next course of action.”

Mr. Rota and his fellow Liberals have long been advocating that the Harper government inform NATO that Canada’s combat mission in Kandahar should end in February 2009. To-date, the Conservatives have yet to make such a commitment, and Mr. Rota is concerned that their delay tactics may make it impossible to ensure a timely replacement for Canada’s troops. According to Mr. Rota, “There can be no reconstruction in Afghanistan without security, but Canada’s current combat mission cannot be expected to continue indefinitely.”
