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Police looking to fill multiple uniform and civilian job vacancies

'It's not a insurmountable task, but it's still 10 to 20 positions that we need to get filled so we can do provide a better service to the community'

The North Bay Police Service is working hard to fill multiple staffing roles; both uniform and civilian positions. 

"I would put it out there, especially civilian members if you've ever thought of a career in policing but never inquired or never looked at it, take a look because it might be something that did interest you — and you may have what we're looking for to bring not only the police service but to the community," said Daryl Longworth, North Bay's police chief. 

"And there's a lot of rewards that can come with and I'm not just talking about financial, just the ability to help your community and do something and make a significant impact to the community."

The North Bay Police Service is currently working to fill 30 positions, comprised of 16 full-time civilian positions, 10 part-time civilian positions, and four sworn officer positions.

These vacancies are largely the result of the efforts of the North Bay Police Service to scale up its digital evidence management capabilities and to bolster our 911 call centre as well as other areas of our support staff.

"Our Digital Evidence Management Clerks are responsible for maintaining and retrieving evidence captured through electronic means, to prepare and provide relevant evidentiary disclosure content for legal purposes, among other duties,' the North Bay Police Service stated in an email to BayToday

Chief Daryl Longworth believes they will get there. 

"It's not an insurmountable task, but it's still 10 to 20 positions that we need to get filled so we can provide a better service to the community," he said. 

"And these are not extra budgeted positions. I'm not asking for more money or more people. These are people positions that have already been budgeted for, the tax base is already committed to, the board's already committed to these positions."

The North Bay Police are adding two new sworn officers from Ontario Police College along with one other experienced Anishinabek police officer. 

Dispatch and call takers are needed too. 

"Our 911 Call Takers and Dispatchers are responsible for staffing our 911 call centre," a release stated.

"They work in a fast-paced environment, assisting members of the public when they need help most and providing officers and emergency crews with the information they need to properly, safely, and effectively respond to incidents."

Additional information about all our current job openings including salary and how to apply is available on our website at


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