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Police Chief hopes to see Special Constable role expand

'If we could have the special constables deployed to the hospital to look after people who have been apprehended under the Mental Health Act to free up those officers to go back on patrol and responding for calls for service'
North Bay Police Special Constable Ian Shago during Police Week at the Northgate Shopping Centre in May.

North Bay's Police Chief hopes to see the Special Constable position have an expanded role. 

"We are looking at hiring more special constables," admitted Daryl Longworth, North Bay's Police Chief.  

One of the ways Longworth hopes to further utilize special constables is for them to assist with Mental Health Act-related arrests which can tie up patrol officers for most of their shift. 

"Traditionally our special constables do court security for us both in the cells in our building and at the courthouse and transferring prisoners back and forth," said Longworth.  

"Still, we are looking at other opportunities to expand that role of special constables to perhaps assist officers on the street to perhaps assist officers in the downtown foot patrol or patrol the waterfront but also assisting officers and freeing them up, if we could have the special constables deployed to the hospital to look after people who have been apprehended under the Mental Health Act to free up those officers to go back on patrol and responding for calls for service." 

Some police services in Ontario have already started pilot projects to expand the special constable role. In Ottawa, the service has special constable's roles expanded into helping with Mental health-related calls, road closures, along with holding crime scenes and directing traffic. 

See related: No special age start for special constables

During Police Week back in mid-May, the service highlighted special constable openings at the service. 

Ian Shago was one of the special constables who feels that becoming a special constable has given him a different perspective on policing. 

"Working alongside the constables has given me a real appreciation for what they offer and bring to our community," he said during Police Week. 

"The difficult job they have and how well they do it."

Constable Merv Shantz believes it can become part of the police development process too. 

"It's a good stepping stone too, so if you're looking at a job in law enforcement and you're not too sure it's something you want.

"A special constable is a position where you can learn about the job and work with officers." 

Chris Dawson

About the Author: Chris Dawson

Chris Dawson has been with since 2004. He has provided up-to-the-minute sports coverage and has become a key member of the BayToday news team.
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