This clip shared by community podcast network North Bay Echo features Rod Bilz, an active and thoughtful community leader who wears many hats, including as a member of Building Blocks, a downtown North Bay strategic development corporation that is "trying to make some improvements," as Bilz puts it.
"We recognize before we can get private investment to occur in the downtown — and for local people to again feel safe to come downtown — that we have to make some changes," Bilz acknowledges.
Bilz and Small Town Times founder, veteran journalist, and host Dave Dale talk about the "Zero Homeless" approach to tackling social challenges as more and more folks are visibly struggling in North Bay and beyond.
Dale and Bilz discuss novel approaches to find solutions to priority issues, including legislative changes so doctors can order treatment for those incapacitated by drug addictions combined with or causing mental health deficits.
The Small Town Times channel has joined with North Bay Echo as part of a network of podcasts focusing on our community. The entirety of Dale's interview with Bilz and other podcast offerings can be found at North Bay Echo.