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Opinion: Municipalities, find a way to get Cassellholme done!

Cassellholme desperately needs to be rebuilt and our city and the municipalities need to support that rebuild
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While our own Municipal Long Term Care Facility, Cassellholme, struggles to secure funding guarantees from the municipalities, including North Bay, for their desperately needed rebuild, Sienna Senior Living, a privately owned, for-profit company has actually broken ground at their new privately-owned Waters Edge Care Facility.

See: Long-term care residents and staff will choose their new home's name

It has been proven that residents fare much better in publicly owned facilities such as the municipally-owned Cassellholme.

Perhaps Mr. Ford’s government needs to consider the way in which Long Term Care is funded so that municipalities have a chance to rebuild effectively with sufficient financial assistance rather than turning the care of our vulnerable seniors over to privately owned, for-profit “businesses” such as Sienna. 

Cassellholme desperately needs to be rebuilt and our city and the municipalities need to support that rebuild.

At some point, all of us may require this type of care. History has proven that the level of care is superior and the number of deaths is less in municipally owned facilities such as Cassellholme as compared to privately owned, for-profit homes.

Let’s all get behind the prompt rebuild of Cassellholme. Our community needs and deserves it.  We all may need this type of support in a nursing home in the future.

Ann McIntyre
North Bay


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