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OPINION: Hope and Action

'My hopes are numerous, but I am sharing a few here that I hope readers will identify as hopes of their own'
2015 11 17 entrance sign on fisher turl
Photo by Jeff Turl

My name is Carol Henschel. I am a wife, a mother to three grown boys, and a secondary school teacher. I have been a proud resident of North Bay for almost thirty years.

Going through this pandemic has allowed all of us to spend time in contemplation of what the future will bring. It is true we need to focus on economic recovery, but it is equally true we all need to envision ─ and work in a dedicated and focused fashion ─ towards a future that is BETTER than what we refer to as “normal.”

My hopes are numerous, but I am sharing a few here that I hope readers will identify as hopes of their own.


  • We will come out of this pandemic more connected and compassionate, less competitive, and more able to listen to and help one another.
  • We will find ways to grow our own food (backyard gardens, community gardens, rooftop gardens) and support local farmers. I hope we will share this food with people who need our help. We need to share skills, experience, and tools with others in our community. By carrying out these actions, we will be less lonely, more supportive, and ultimately healthier humans.
  • We will persuade the people with power and influence to understand and to act based on our moral obligation to each other and to the environment. These same decision-makers should be required to shift their thinking to what is best for all of us in the long-term. People and the Earth should come before money and power, always.
  • We will convince these same people to put aside their political differences and just simply co-operate to reduce our carbon and ecological footprints. This co-operation may very well lead to the understanding that supporting effective environmental practices does not have to be a burden to the economy, but could indeed boost our economy to new and wonderful levels as green technologies, new jobs, and new governing bodies will be created.
  • We will learn to live more simply with our priorities set on quality time with loved ones enjoying activities that are aligned with protecting and appreciating our natural world.
  • We will look to Indigenous people, the caretakers of Mother Earth, who honour her many resources and gifts, for guidance on sustainable agricultural practices.
  • In our next global challenge, we will flatten the curve of climate change by switching to renewables, retrofitting old buildings to make them energy-efficient, and electing governments that support science-based climate policies. We can look to Vancouver, Zurich, and Amsterdam for inspiration and for methods to move our city forward in terms of sustainability and sound environmental policies and laws.
  • We all begin to truly realize our little plot of earth is a space we RENT, temporarily, and that we must work to leave it in good condition for our children, grandchildren, and generations of people to come.
  • Just as locally caught pickerel is best paired with a nice glass of Pinot Grigio, it is true that hope is best paired with ACTION. For the past ten years, Widdifield Secondary School has successfully run a community garden. We grew vegetables and donated the majority to our local food bank. Our beautiful school is now closed, and thus my efforts will be shifting to being part of a strong and forward-thinking environmental club at Chippewa, my new and beautiful school. I know there are people in our community doing terrific work already, so here is an idea:

Perhaps local media outlets could celebrate stories from around the area, so we may share ideas, good news, and ultimately, hope for a “better than normal” future. Perhaps in these stories, we will find inspiration and be able to envision our own role in changing what we know are destructive pathways. Perhaps these stories will engage us and help bring our community to a place where we can truly say we are making every single decision with the future in mind.

I am by no means a model environmentalist. I have made many decisions in the past that I now regret, based on the impact I have had on my plot of rented space. But I want to do better. Who wants to join me? Can we make North Bay the next great, green city?

I hope…

By Carol Henschel