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Opinion: Cassellholme, build it; they are already here

'We desperately need to proceed with the redevelopment of Cassellholme in North Bay. It is well overdue'
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Life’s challenges can affect families and individuals at any time; however, when these challenges are centered on health, we usually need assistance.  
Some of this support requires advanced care that can only be provided at a specialized facility.  For many elders, this essential care comes in the form of a nursing home.   
Humans are living longer and the demands on this type of care will continue to grow. Therefore, it is very likely that many of us or someone we love will need this type of care in the future.
We owe this to our elders who have given so much to their communities, and we owe it to their caregivers who have experienced burnout trying to provide assistance in areas that they can no longer manage. 
We desperately need to proceed with the redevelopment of Cassellholme in North Bay. It is well overdue. 
Current and future Cassellholme residents have been more than patient to see this redevelopment come to fruition. This project can help solidify our commitment to our community by providing quality care in a modern facility, while giving our youth rewarding career opportunities.
Reflecting on the popular saying “Build it and they will come,” I say “Build it; they are already here.”         
Carlo Celebre
North Bay


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