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Not wearing a seat belt?

If you are driving, you can face a fine if you or anyone in your vehicle under the age of 16 is not wearing a seat belt
car seat with child shutterstock_323810267 2016

The OPP is reporting 29 seat belt-related road deaths on OPP-patrolled roads so far this year, as they get set to conduct their province-wide Fall Seat Belt Campaign starting today until October 6.

"Wearing a seat belt is crucial to surviving a crash, and even one unbuckled vehicle occupant can increase the risk of death and serious injury to other people in the vehicle," states an OPP news release. 

"In the event of a frontal collision, an unbuckled back seat passenger becomes a human projectile, placing additional risks on those in the front seat." 

"When you are on the road, don't let anyone in the vehicle - including those in the back seat - convince you that buckling up is a personal choice," says OPP Deputy Commissioner Brad Blair.

"As a driver or front seat passenger, even if you are wearing a seatbelt when you crash, you can be struck from behind by unbuckled passengers, making them a significant factor in whether you live or die." 

It is also the driver's responsibility to ensure that all passengers 16 years of age or younger are properly buckled in.

If you are driving, you can face a fine if you or anyone in your vehicle under the age of 16 is not wearing a seat belt or secured in a proper child car seat. If you are convicted, you will:

  • be fined between $200 and $1,000
  • receive two demerit points - demerit points remain on your driving record for two years
  • passengers over the age of 16 are responsible for buckling themselves up.