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NOSDA backs campaign to solve Ontario's 'humanitarian crisis'

Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA) says 'unprecedented numbers of individuals are experiencing homelessness, residing in unsafe encampments, and grappling with severe mental health and addiction issues'
NOSDA says it supports the Solve the Crisis campaign which advocates for several key actions related to homelessness and the vulnerable population.

The Northern Ontario Large Urban Mayors (NOLUM) — representing Greater Sudbury, North Bay, Timmins, Thunder Bay, and Sault Ste. Marie — has united in support of Ontario’s Big City Mayors’ "Solve the Crisis" campaign, calling for immediate and decisive action from the Government of Ontario to address the escalating homelessness crisis.

See related: Mayors call on Ford government to appoint single ministry to fight homelessness, addictions

And: Northern Ontario mayors back plan to solve homeless crisis

Municipalities across the North are struggling to manage the impacts of homelessness without adequate support from higher levels of government.

In a media release issued on Friday, the Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA) states it is joining NOLUM in backing Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM) in its Solve the Crisis campaign to address homelessness and support vulnerable populations

NOSDA is made up of the 10 District Social Services Administration Boards (DSSABs) and the City of Greater Sudbury which provide human services to the 144
municipalities in Northern Ontario. NOSDA members are on the frontlines working with local community groups, social services agencies, non-profits, emergency services and municipalities to address the homelessness crisis.

NOSDA says the humanitarian crisis unfolding on Ontario’s streets is a stark reality: unprecedented numbers of individuals are experiencing homelessness, residing in unsafe encampments, and grappling with severe mental health and addiction issues. Despite the efforts of municipalities, NOSDA members and community organizations, the crisis is worsening, and existing measures are proving insufficient.

“We cannot tackle this crisis alone,” said NOSDA Chair and Mayor of Timmins Michelle Boileau. “The complexity and scale of the issue require a coordinated, well-
resourced response that goes beyond the capabilities of individual municipalities. The Solve the Crisis campaign outlines clear, actionable steps that can drive meaningful change.”

See also: 'Time for action is now:' Homeless encampment motion passes

“We are committed to addressing homelessness and supporting our most vulnerable residents,” said NOSDA Co-Chair and Mayor of Rainy River Debbie Ewald.
“However, the resources and expertise required to effectively manage and resolve this crisis must come from a unified, provincial approach.”

NOSDA says it supports the Solve the Crisis campaign which advocates for several key actions:

  • Appoint a Responsible Ministry and Minister: Appoint a responsible ministry and Minister with the appropriate funding and powers as a single point of contact
  • to address the full spectrum of housing needs as well as mental health, addictions and wrap-around supports.
  • Establish a Task Force: Have this Minister strike a task force with broad sector representatives including municipalities, healthcare, first responders, community services, the business community and the tourism industry to develop a Made in Ontario Action Plan.
  • Provide Municipal Support: Provide municipalities with the tools and resources to transition those in encampments to more appropriate supports, when deemed necessary.
  • Commit to Targeted Funding: Commit to funding the appropriate services these individuals need, community by community where there are gaps in the system.
  • Invest in Community Hubs: Invest in 24/7 Community Hubs / Crisis Centres to relieve pressure on emergency centres and first responders.

“We urge all Ontarians to join us in this crucial effort,” said Mark King NOSDA Co-Chair and Board Chair for the Nipissing DSSAB. “Visit to
show your support, sign up, and contact your local MPP to demand that the provincial government take immediate action. Together, we can make a difference, but we need your help.”