The North Bay Public Library is welcoming residents back after months of pandemic and renovations.
You'll notice spaces and services will look a bit different. Changes have been made to keep everyone safe based on guidelines issued by the provincial government including the public health authorities.
A select number of services will be offered to start as the reopening is phased in.
Initially, the will offer in-person services:
- Tuesday 10 to 7
- Thursday 10 to 7
- Saturday 10 to 3
"Given the limitations imposed by Covid 19 which include capacity limits for the building, adequate spacing to maintain two metre distances, no food or beverages except for covered water bottles, the obligatory use of face coverings (nose, mouth and chin) and our commitment to both client and staff safety we will be offering only limited services," says a news release.
They include:
- Browsing of the fiction, non-fiction, and audiovisual collections on all three floors
- Bring your own device access to Wi-Fi available only on the mezzanine floor for 50-minute sessions
- Public internet computer use for 50-minute sessions
- Self-serve coin-operated copying in the magazine area
Computer and device assistance provided by staff is limited at this time. Individual technology support that does not meet physical distancing guidelines cannot be provided in the interest of the health and safety of both clients and staff.
Total capacity will be controlled and limited to the number of clients staff can manage safely.
Bring your own device Wi-Fi tables and chairs for the internet computers on the mezzanine level and the main floor internet computer pods as there will be no other seating or tables in the library.
Only the single-use, key by request, public washrooms will be available-the main floor for children and families, the mezzanine for all others
The lower floor lobby, auditorium, boardroom, and public washrooms will neither be available nor accessible.
Available at the door, the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday continuation of the very successful curbside available.
- Monday 10 to 7
- Wednesday 10 to 7
- Friday 10 to 5
What you need to know before visiting:
Everyone will be asked to self-assess their health condition prior to entering. If you have any doubts about your health and or are not feeling well please do not come to the library.
Everyone entering the library will require a face covering that covers the nose, mouth, and chin and will be required to wear them while on the premises
Everyone is required to use hand sanitizer on entering the library and should use sanitizer whenever materials are handled in the library-sanitizers are available throughout the public areas
Everyone is responsible for contributing to their safety and the safety of others by maintaining two metre physical distancing, following sneeze and cough etiquette standards, minimizing handling of physical materials, and appropriately and frequently washing/sanitizing their hands
Capacity will be limited; you may need to wait outside the library until there is sufficient capacity
Browsing materials will be limited to 50 minutes
Materials browsed but not borrowed may be placed in clearly identified bins for quarantine. Please limit the amount of physical handling of materials.
Neither chairs nor tables will be available except at computer stations,
No newspapers
Magazines will only be available for borrowing, no in-library reading.
What’s Changed?
Main Level
English fiction remains on the west side but we have added audiovisual materials, including audiobooks to this area
Large print and paperbacks are now on the east side between the entrance gates and the magazines racks
New books English and French-fiction and non-fiction are now on free-standing display racks between the two rows of magazine shelves.
English non-fiction with Dewey numbers 500-999 remains on the east side
Lower Level
English non-fiction with Dewey numbers 0-499
French adult fiction, non-fiction and genealogy
French genealogy
Our genealogy partner, Nipissing District Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, are now located on the lower level-please consult their schedules for specific hours of access during the days/times the library building is open to the public
Mezzanine Level
Teen fiction-English and French-is now located on the mezzanine floor
Service points have changed:
Both the Adult and the Children’s service points now have glass sneeze/cough/safety barriers running the length of the counters
Clients are not permitted at any time to enter any staff service areas including behind any service counter