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North Bay Blooms first Garden of the Week

Pictured left to right, Kevin, Karen, Betty Foy - North Bay Blooms Chair, Tammi, Rhonda Pankratz - Tim Hortons Lakeshore Manager, & Teri. PHOTO SUBMITTED.

Pictured left to right, Kevin, Karen, Betty Foy - North Bay Blooms Chair, Tammi, Rhonda Pankratz - Tim Hortons Lakeshore Manager, & Teri. PHOTO SUBMITTED.

North Bay Blooms Chair Betty Foy recognized Tim Hortons on Lakeshore Drive and Marshall Park as this summers first "Business Garden of the Week."

Professionally planted and maintained by "All about Gardens," on one of the City's main entrance ways, the gardens are greatly appreciated by everyone who sees them but not always appreciated as an investment in our community by business owners.

Congratulations to Annette and her crew.  

Thank you to Ken & Stephanie Coughlin, owners of the Lakeshore location for making the decision to make an attractive and colourful drive through garden a part of their business location.

Pictured left to right, Kevin, Karen, Betty Foy - North Bay Blooms Chair, Tammi, Rhonda Pankratz - Tim Hortons Lakeshore Manager, & Teri.

Residential Front Yard Garden nominations are still being accepted by North Bay Blooms and nomination signs should be going up around town by next week. For details or to make a nomination please se"


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