A North Bay midwife will address the North Bay General Hospital board meeting tonight seeking hospital priveleges for an additional midwife.
Kathy Wells, a registered midwife, of Midwives*Sages-Femmes of North Bay says she's appealing to the hospital board because the request for priveleges has been denied.
"The obstetricians have not been in support of privileges for more midwives citing decreasing birth numbers and impact on their income," Wells said.
She added the hospital's obstetrics chief has to approve the priveleges request as do the Credentials Committee, and Medical Advisory Committee.
"To this point the doctors have not been willing to support the application for privileges," Wells said.
North Bay obstetrician Dr. Tsing Wong said he and his colleagues are all for patient choice, but says granting another midwife hospital privelges could lead to "the collape of obstetrician service, because if there isn't enough work, some obstetricians may leave."
Midwifery services are in demand, Wells said.
"There is strong consumer support for increased access to midwifery services and a consumer has also been granted permission to speak to the board," Wells said.
"We also expect at least 50 consumers to attend to provide support to the board in encouraging a solution to this problem."
Wells said it "seems wrong" that the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care can fund increased midwifery resources "and the hospital can then deny privileges" to the practitioner.
"This is particularly problematic in the current situation where there is a shortage of practitioners and in light of the difficulties in attracting medical professionals to work in the North," Wells said.
The birth numbers and community support both the growth of midwifery in this community and the obstetricians," Wells said.
"Increasing the number of midwives working full time is the only way to ensure that the only midwifery practice in North Bay is sustainable."