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Mattawa sports a new look

Mattawa and Bonfield community leaders display their new brand. Photo supplied.

Mattawa and Bonfield community leaders display their new brand. Photo supplied.

Mattawa Bonfield EDC
News Release


MATTAWA - A change is taking place in the Mattawa - Bonfield region and those responsible for it can hardly contain their excitement.

The unified region made up of Bonfield, Calvin, Mattawan, Papineau-Cameron and Mattawa have just adopted a new marketing name and visual brand to effectively identify the region to compete for business and tourism in the 21st century. The new name ³Mattawa Voyageur Country² is intended to build on the geographic and historic attributes of the area.

³We are privileged to live here.² Said Dean Backer, Mayor of Mattawa. ³I can¹t imagine living anywhere else. We are working hard to bring new jobs and new families to this region and part of that effort is our marketing strategy.²

With that said, the Mayors of Mattawa, Calvin, Papineau-Cameron, Bonfield, and Mattawan township have joined forces to build a consolidated approach to representing the area for tourism and economic development initiatives.

Bob Corriveau, Papineau-Cameron Mayor said, "The future lies in high speed internet communications. Our regional branding will be recognized on a worldly platform. We now have the proper marketing tool to show the serene beauty and quality of life of the area to the rest of the world."

Welcome a new era in regional marketing and welcome the new name and logo for the area. Under the guidance of the Mattawa Bonfield Economic Development Corporation, North Bay advertising agency, TWG Communications developed the new name and Logo.

The Mattawa Voyageur Country logo was designed to bring a 21st century business sensibility to the natural beauty and rich history of the area.

This was a consultative process. Several meetings and many discussions took place between the committee of the five Mayors, staff and TWG. Several concepts were devised and presented to the committee before a final selection was made. David Wolfe of TWG Communications feels that under one brand, one position, and one message, the Mattawa Voyageur Country will now be in a better position to communicate effectively with its audience.

³The new logo captures the feel of our region and the five leaves represent each of the partner communities. This really shows how we are coming together, and working together, for a better future.,² added Calvin Mayor, Wayne Brown.

Peter Murphy, Mayor of Mattawan said, ²Getting the five of us to agree on this is really something. We don¹t always see eye to eye on the issues but one thing we do all agree on is the necessity of working together to bring tourism and economic development dollars into the region and in this regard what is good for one is good for all.²

While no one knows for certain what the future might hold it is clear the mayors have decided the future should be a common one. With changes in the forestry industry the local economy needs a boost and maybe a new marketing approach will be just the ticket.

The construction of the new hospital is clear evidence the region has lots of life left in it and lots to offer.

³I have travelled throughout the province and I am proud to say our region is the prettiest part of it. Anyone looking for a more relaxing environment and great out door adventures should look no further than Mattawa Voyageur Country.² Said Bonfield Mayor Narry McCarthy.

With a new name and logo the work begins on inviting the world to experience Mattawa Voyageur Country. So when you see a stranger walking the street or eating at a local restaurant take a moment to say hello, take a moment to make them feel welcome and maybe they will make Mattawa Voyageur Country home and the next time you see them you can say hello neighbour.



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