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Man dies in ambulance after firefighters rescue him from structure fire

Paramedics and other first responders worked for close to half an hour in the back of their rig to revive an adult male pulled alive from a structure fire on Pinewood Park Drive Wednesday evening around 10 p.m. but the victim ultimately succumbed to his injuries

Paramedics and other first responders worked for close to half an hour in the back of their rig to revive an adult male pulled alive from a structure fire on Pinewood Park Drive Wednesday evening around 10 p.m. but the victim ultimately succumbed to his injuries.

Deputy Fire Chief Greg Saunders confirmed a short time later the man had passed away in the ambulance at the scene of the fire. Saunders indicated the man had some vital signs when he was discovered inside an abandoned home with fire damage near the intersection of Pinewood Park and Lakeshore Drive. Firefighters teamed up to perform CPR until the paramedics could take over lifesaving efforts.

North Bay Fire and Emergency Services received the fire call at 9:32 p.m. and report both flames and heavy smoke were visible at the scene.

Saunders says, "Our guys immediately began a search and rescue and an adult male victim was found. I don't know anything more than that, no age has been confirmed."

North Bay fire crews and paramedics "worked together on the victim for a substantial period of time," added Saunders, "but, unfortunately, they were unsuccessful tonight."

Saunders advises the office of the Ontario Fire Marshal has been notified and will attend the scene to begin an investigation Thursday morning.

"We'll clear and the police will take over the investigation of the scene with the Fire Marshal's office," he adds.

The Deputy Chief says there is no indication either way of whether the fire could be deemed suspicious, adding there were no other people inside the structure and no injuries sustained by fire crew members.

"We haven't even begun to look at cause yet."

BayToday will update this story as more details become available.


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