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Just short of century mark, Dr. MacDougall will close its doors

Visitors will take a final stroll through the school and reminisce with friends, classmates and colleagues.
dr macdougall school 2016
Dr. MacDougall school. Photo courtesy Scott Dunn.
After 90 years, Dr. MacDougall Public School is closing its doors.  
To celebrate the school’s important contribution to the history of North Bay, the school will be holding an open house on Saturday, May 28, from 1 – 3 p.m. 
The event is open to the public and former students and staff are especially welcome. 
Visitors will take a final stroll through the school and reminisce with friends, classmates and colleagues.  There will be refreshments, speeches and a final group photo.   
“Many people have come through our doors as staff, community members, parents or students.  Many families have several generations of involvement with our school,” said Scott Dunn, Principal.  “As a school community we want to celebrate the last 90 years of education and community building at Dr. MacDougall.”
Organizers would like to hear from anyone with a fond, funny memory or an anecdote from the past to include in the celebration.
Contributors are asked email their submission of 200 words or less to or visit the Facebook page: Dr. MacDougall Public School.


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