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Hedican stepping back from Coach4Food in 2016

Last Coach4Food practices to be run between November 10th and December 21st.

The Coach4Food Program begins year 10 this month and it will be the final year of practices being run by founder Tom Hedican.

For the dedicated Hedican, this will be his last year running the program.  

The program, which began in 2005, is slated to cross the 1 million pound mark this year with its expansion and partnership with the Ontario Hockey League under a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. 

Nearly 600,000 of those pounds have been raised in North Bay alone, along with being a key part of North Bay's winning Hockeyville submission in 2007.  

Hedican plans to return to his work as a professional goaltending consultant next year and will be unable to run the dozens of pro-style practices he does each year for North Bay minor hockey teams which do food drives for the local food bank.

"There might be a few tears at that last practice," said the founder of the North Bay Food Bank's number one fundraiser.

"I have had the most amazing experience doing this with the community. I have a staff who are out there at 7 in the morning and 11 at night for the month of December, and it has been such a special connection to meet minor hockey coaches, managers, players and parents at each practice. I just won't have the flexibility to commit to all of those practices. It's cliche, but it has been a labour of love.

"I have had incredible support from my wife Nancy Ann and father Ernie, my late mom Shirley, and my sister Mary-Lynn and her husband Dale, along with the entire community of North Bay, and that is extremely gratifying."

The program began as a result of Hedican's admiration for rock star Bruce Springsteen who speaks about local food banks at every concert.

"It was a crazy idea, trading coaching for food. But I heard Springsteen at every concert talking about helping your local food bank and I had to do something. And the entire community got behind it. There is no other way to reach the numbers we have. I have to say thank you to North Bay. You can't do this alone."

Hedican is extremely pleased that the North Bay Battalion will continue to offer practices to the top three collecting teams each year.

"It's so great of Mike Griffin to support this and Stan Butler and staff to run practices for the top collectors," said Hedican. "That means there is long-term sustainability of the program for the food bank, which is so important. I will be able to consult with those involved and continue to assist with expansion in Ontario. But North Bay Coach4Food will run as it does in other OHL cities."

Hedican also praised the board of the food bank.

"These people have been tremendous to work with. They are the pillars of our community and truly care about those in need. They put in countless hours with little in return, other than just doing the right thing. From chair Katharine Strang, to my long-time friend Garth Goodhew, to Amber Livingstone and all of the directors, it has just been an honor to work with them to help fill their shelves."

Food Bank chair Katharine Strang thanked Hedican for his work.

“We will be eternally grateful to the Coach4Food program and what it has done for the clients of the North Bay Food Bank," she said.

"The program will last for years to come and continue to assist the less fortunate in our community thanks to the selflessness of Tom Hedican. We are so proud to be the home of Coach4Food. “

Hedican encouraged people not to forget the food bank.

"We still need to help the food bank feed those in need, through donations. I am sure the entire community will continue to step up, especially the hockey community, to make sure no one in North Bay goes hungry."

Coach4food Partnered with the Ontario Hockey League's Shutout Hunger program last year and is running in OHL cities around the province.

Hedican saluted his staff for their many hours and years of helping him run practices for participating teams. 

"It simply could not  have been done and sustained this long without Paul Cook, Daniel Weber, Stacy Jackson, Stew Jackson, Erin Weber, Erin Pemberton, Justin Brear, Patrick Rochefort and Steve Chabbert. They have truly made a difference in this community and I thank them, although thank you is hardly enough."

Teams interested in a practice by Hedican between now and Dec. 21 can email him at [email protected]


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