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Health Sciences North earns award for organ and tissue donation

Top-ranked communities include North Bay (56 per cent), Parry Sound (55 per cent) and Sudbury (54 per cent).
hsn donor award
(L-R) Dominic Giroux (President and CEO HSN/HSNRI), David McNeil (Senior Vice President, Patient Experience and Digital Transformation), Janice Beitel (Director of Hospital Programs TGLN), Wayne Aelick (Liver transplant recipient), Pam Nicholson (Coordinator TGLN at HSN), Dr. Bhanu Nalla (HSN Medical Lead, Organ at Tissue Donation), Nicole Everest (HSN Board Chair).

For the eighth year in a row, Health Sciences North has been honoured for achievements in organ and tissue donation in Ontario.

According to a news release, this year, HSN had seven organ donors which led to 21 organ transplants and 43 tissue donations, which enhanced and saved the lives of many.

The award was presented to HSN Thursday by Trillium Gift of Life Network which promotes and coordinates organ and tissue donation and transplantation across Ontario.

The Award of Excellence recognizes hospitals that meet or exceed the provincial target for its conversion rate for at least four consecutive years, demonstrating an outstanding commitment to organ donation.

Conversion rate refers to the percentage of actual organ donors achieved from the total number of referred donors. The target conversion rate set by TGLN for the province is 58 per cent. 

“We are proud to acknowledge the important contributions of our hospital partners because the success of organ and tissue donation in Ontario relies on their hard work and dedication,” says Ronnie Gavsie President and CEO, Trillium Gift of Life Network. “This award reflects the continued commitment of HSN to implement donation best practices and offer families the opportunity to make a lifesaving choice,” she adds.

Approximately 17,500 Ontarians have received life-saving organ or tissue transplants since 2003.  

In 2017/18 TGLN, together with hospitals across Ontario, helped save more than 1,200 lives through organ transplantation, while enhancing the lives of many people with more than 2,100 tissue donations.

“Without my organ donor, I believe I’d be dead by now,” says Wayne Aelick who underwent successful surgery for a new liver in May of 2017, following complications from Ulcerative Colitis. This is a disease that causes inflammation and sores in the lining of the large intestine, and can also impact a person’s liver function. “I was actually turning grey in colour because my liver was shot. I was dying. But with my new liver, I have energy. I can do yard work again. I was even using the snow blower last winter.”

There are approximately 1,500 people in Ontario waiting for a life-saving organ transplant and every three days someone dies while waiting.  

Currently, Ontario’s donor registration rate stands at 33 per cent. Northern Ontario has set the bar with 49 per cent of the eligible population registered. Top-ranked communities include North Bay (56 per cent), Parry Sound (55 per cent) and Sudbury (54 per cent).

Register your consent for organ and tissue donation at and talk to your family about your wishes. For more information on organ and tissue donation in Ontario, or to learn more about the TGLN award, contact Trillium Gift of Life Network at 416-619-2327.


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