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Hansen walk starts small

Participants in the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion event wait for the ribbon to be cut before hitting the path.

Participants in the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion event wait for the ribbon to be cut before hitting the path.

It was the first year the city of North Bay has participated in the Rick Hansen Wheels in Motion, says organizer Sue Adams, and all in all things didn't go too badly.

"We had over 40 participants who either wheeled, walked or roller bladed, but we think it will be bigger and better next year," Adams said.

The event was competing with four other walks in the city, Adams said, but despite that fact participants raised $2,452.

Half the money will go toward spinal research, and the other half toward purchasing a paratransit vehicle with the Physically Handicapped Adults Rehabilitation Association of Nipissing-Parry Sound.

Thanks to Sue for supplying the photographs.


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