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Green Party to select local executive tonight

Yesterday, Green Party leader Elizabeth May unveiled a detailed plan called "Mission Possible" to help Canadian fossil fuel workers move to jobs in the renewable energy sector
Green Party of Canada
Logo from Green Party of Canada Facebook page

The Nipissing-Timiskaming Green Party will hold an organizational meeting tonight in preparation for the upcoming fall federal election, and a candidate is expected to be named next month.

The meeting is at the Raven and Republic starting at 8 p.m.

"We intend to run a candidate in this election," spokesman Scott Haig told BayToday. "Part of the reason for tonight's meeting is to set all that in motion, to search for a candidate and to get a volunteer team in place to run a campaign."

Haig is also a former 2011 provincial Green Party candidate.

He says if you are interested in running for the Green Party you could attend tonight's meeting or email [email protected].

Haig expects the party to have a local candidate in early September.

In 2015 Green Party candidate Nicole Peltier finished fourth behind Liberal Anthony Rota, Conservative Jay Aspin, and NDP candidate Kathleen Jodouin, collecting 2.6 per cent of the votes cast.

"The Green Party will declare a climate emergency, establish a war room to deal with the crisis, modernize and expand passenger rail service and restore carbon sinks, such as planting trees and protecting forests," says a party Facebook post.

Yesterday, Green Party leader Elizabeth May unveiled a detailed plan called "Mission Possible" to help Canadian fossil fuel workers move to jobs in the renewable energy sector.

May stressed her green economy plan looks to ensure fossil fuel workers aren't left behind. 

“Canada has not done well in transitioning workers in the past,” May said in a news release. “We must ensure a just and fair transition for Canadian workers in the fossil fuel industry.”

Citing recommendations by the federal task force on Just Transition for Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities, the Green Party plan includes setting up transition centres, a pension program, and “funding for workers to retrain and stay in the labour markets.“

“We must create transition pathways that support those workers immediately," said May. "Just looking at the requirements of Mission: Possible for retrofitting buildings, we will have more jobs than available workers for building tradespeople such as carpenters, electricians and plumbers. We will need four million of these workers.”


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