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Could CFB North Bay be housing Syrian Refugees?

“DND is currently working with other government departments in planning and developing options to support the Government’s objectives."
CFB North Bay sign nov 2015

The new Canadian Liberal government has stated it's making Syrian refugees a priority in Canada.   

Last week the Minister of Immigration and Refugees John McCallum reaffirmed the government’s plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015.

A number of reports are surfacing that Canadian military bases will be used as Syrian refugee camps as soon as December 1st.

While CFB North Bay was not mentioned as a potential refugee site at this time, CFB North Bay officials are not ruling it out.  

“DND is currently working with other government departments in planning and developing options to support the Government’s objectives,” stated Capt Leah Pierce, Public Affairs Officer, 22 Wing North Bay in an email to this morning.  

“This includes possible accommodations, transportation, and logistical support. At this point, details remain to be determined. 

“As a matter of prudent planning, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are currently reviewing accommodations available at bases and wings should the CAF be called upon to provide assistance in that regard.”

Pierce stated more information will be released once more planning details are refined. 

CFB North Bay’s website indicates there are at least two barrack blocks on the base which include single and family dwellings.   

News of refugee camps in Canada are beginning to surface as CTV is reporting that military personnel at CFB Kingston are being asked to clear their barracks to make room for the first group of Syrian Refugees who could be arriving in Canada within a week.  

In the past, military bases have been used to house newcomers to Canada. 

Back in 1999, 5,000 refugees from Kosovo were relocated between two military bases: CFB Greenwood in Nova Scotia and CFB Trenton.   


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