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Capitol Centre wondering why it cannot open

'We are not looking to contravene any orders, all we are asking for is some clarity'
2021 2Capitol Centre - Betty Speers Theatre
Photo submitted.

North Bay's Capitol Centre is among a multitude of performing arts centres in Ontario frustrated with Ontario rules that continue to keep them from using their facilities to stream online performances.  

For the Capitol Centre, that's one musician, two theatre technicians and no audience for proposed live stream online concerts from their stage. 

But Dan Misturada, Interim Executive Director at the Capitol Centre says even that is not permitted until sometime in July according to the current Ontario Reopening Plan. 

Due to those current rules, Misturada says they have had to cancel five performances and three facility rentals for the month of June.  

"The most relatable industry would be film production," said Misturada. 

"They have been operating this whole time throughout COVID-19 with capacities up to 50 people and we are asking for as little as five people in one building basically doing the same thing and we have just as strict protocols but we are not allowed to proceed."  

To add insult to injury, the province approved more than 500 fans to attend the Leafs-Canadiens hockey game at the Scotiabank Arena on Monday night.  

The Capitol Centre is not alone,  as other performing arts groups in the province are coming together to advocate for fairness.   

The performing arts industry in Ontario, as a collective, is asking the provincial government to review the reopening plan to address some inequities as it relates to the industry.

The top two items requested include:

  • Allow concert venues and theatres to reopen for live streaming or recording without an audience as soon as the Stay-at-Home order ends
  • Consult with us directly and in a timely way to establish capacity limits in steps two and three of the reopening plan so that venues and presenters can plan, hire artists and staff, and sell tickets with the lead time needed

In spite of that plea for regulatory fairness, as of this date, Misturada says there has been no reply to the request.

"We are not looking to contravene any orders, all we are asking for is some clarity," he said.  


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