Canadore's first formal research strategy is now complete, setting a firm direction for the college’s applied research initiatives that will enhance student learning opportunities.
“It is the focus of where we are guiding our attention, and our efforts for the next two years,” said Dr. Christina DeRoche, Research Manager at Canadore.
“It is about building capacity within the faculty and staff, providing support to them both, and highlighting the champions within our institution who are achieving remarkable outcomes."
DeRoche believes the strategy is about working with community partners to help them solve real-day problems that need attention.
"It really does focus on providing experiential learning and allow students to have the skillsets needed in our everyday economy. I think that’s where the college shines. Now with a strategy in place, one of the goals is to increase that student capacity within research opportunities,” she said.
Deidre Bannerman, the Director of Canadore’s Academic Centre of Excellence, says the Research Strategy will assist Canadore to grow industry-academic collaborations.
“The document helps prioritize an 'awareness campaign' that promotes the college’s research goals," said Bannerman.
Canadore focuses on applied research, to develop creative solutions to real-world challenges. The genomics laboratory, ICAMP (Innovation Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping), and The Village are three examples of research enterprises at the college. The new Research Strategy supports Canadore’s strategic plan Solutions 2022.
”The 2020-2022 Research Strategy is a reflection of our commitment to social responsibility as a higher education institute, recognizing our key role in knowledge creation and dissemination," said Dr. Ahmed Obaide, Canadore’s Vice-President Academic.
“The research strategy is a major component contributing to Canadore reaching its strategic objectives,” said Canadore President George Burton.
“The strategy will act as a guiding document as we continue to evolve as a solution-focused institution of higher learning.”