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Callander Legion Branch 445 receives pandemic aid

'Due to the shutdown in Ontario and then the subsequent extension in Parry Sound District, the branch has been closed to the public for the second time, this time since Dec 22, 2020.  We anticipate a decrease in revenue this fiscal year of over $200,000'
20201910 callander legion branch 445 sign
Callander Legion Br. 445.

The Callander Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion has received some welcome financial assistance from the federal government to help cope with pandemic challenges.

“We applied in the second round of funding and received $10,845” says Marc Picard, Branch President.  “This financial assistance is for a portion of expenses like utilities, insurance, administration costs, and wages that have already been paid, starting in March 2020 when the pandemic affected our ability to remain open to the public. This funding is much needed and appreciated since we expect minimal revenue this fiscal year.”

The pandemic has not allowed the Legion to carry on weekly dine-in's, weddings, or special events and has significantly reduced the capacity of the branch to produce the income needed to support our operating expenses. 

"We had produced revenue of $360,000  in the previous fiscal year and have only been able to produce a fraction of that revenue to date," Picard added. "Due to the shutdown in Ontario and then the subsequent extension in Parry Sound District, the branch has been closed to the public for the second time, this time since Dec 22, 2020.   We anticipate a decrease in revenue this fiscal year of over $200,000.”

Picard says members are making every effort to reduce expenses and increase revenue but were still anticipating a financial deficit until this funding arrived.

"In order to generate lost revenue, we changed our in-person weekly dine-in's to take out meals every third Friday and have generated a small amount of revenue from that.  Our Empty Bottle Return Depot continues to accept donations from the very generous surrounding community.

" It is important that we can be there for our Legion members as they have done so much for all of us. The last year has been extremely difficult for many Canadians, including Veterans and our Legions who give support and supply services to them," says MP Anthony Rota. "The funding will help Legion Branch 445 continue to operate and it is but a small part of our recognition of their service."

The Branch received the money after requesting it through an application process involving its Provincial Command.

"Our funds will be used to keep up with ongoing expenses and assist with a sudden requirement for roof repairs in our main hall and office area, which caused some minor flooding," explained Picard.

“Prior to the Pandemic, we identified over $50,000 in repair and replacements required in our key infrastructure, such as the kitchen and main hall areas that provide thousands of meals in a regular year. The loss of revenue has drained any financial resources we had in reserve to complete these mandatory repairs,” he added.

"The Callander Branch is a crucial part of our community, helping to serve veterans and their families in Callander, East Ferris and Bonfield.   In addition to hosting a senior’s drop-in centre, facilitating Project Trauma Peer Support meetings, as well as supporting and hosting other local groups and Food Banks in each community."   


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