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Best garden in the Bay! Winner announced.

"It was very bad. We were out camping and we had to come in to water it, and trying to conserve the water as well, but we managed."

It was another tough choice, but the North Bay Blooms judges have awarded the best residential front garden award to Joan Lane and Dennis Belanger of 668 Fisher Street.

"It just started small and every year I add something to it, and now it's getting pretty full but we always try to add something new every year," said Joan Wednesday morning while accepting the award.

And like all gardeners this year, she had to battle the dry weather.

"It was very bad. We were out camping and we had to come in to water it, and trying to conserve the water as well, but we managed," she said with a grin.

Most of the garden is perennials with some annuals added every year.

"In the spring it doesn't look like very much, everything is dead but in a few weeks it's all up again.

As for the recognition, "It's great. I really appreciate it" she says, but is more than willing to spread the credit.

Her partner is Dennis Belanger, "And he does all the heavy work for me like the digging and the lifting."

"It's a beautiful garden. Every spring it's so full of colour and very peaceful," added committee member Chris Mayne.

Vicki Doucette, co-ordinator of the North Bay and Area Master Gardeners was impressed by the effort.

"We gave them 10 out of 10 for colour. The colour was brilliant, just beautiful. There are five categories and they ranked high in all five," she said.

This, despite the dry weather.

"It was hard with the dry weather and now the rain has washed out the colour as well. Last week when we were here it was absolutely brilliant. Everything echoes, she has the yellow door and yellows in her garden. It's just beautiful."

With almost 100 nominations this summer, the North Bay Horticultural Society judges had their work cut out for them whittling down to the top 10. The North Bay Master Gardeners then selected the top three and then chose Joan and Dennis as the award winning gardeners. 

Already well known by many of their neighbours on Fisher St., the garden fully covers the front yard, displays bright colours and is well maintained all summer long.

Congratulations as well to second place gardener Rene McBride at 661 Tackaberry Drive and, obviously gardening runs in the family, Rene’s daughter Michelle Widdop at 547 Harvey St. who placed third.

Besides bragging rights, the winner gets a $200 gift certificate, while 2nd and 3rd get $100 certificates from Burrows and L'Amis.


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