The Municipality of West Nipissing says its splash pads are now open to the public but residents are reminded they remain unsupervised and are not sanitized.
Municipal officials advise "parents and guardians must supervise their children at all times and may use the splash pads at their own risk." Splash pad users are asked to plan accordingly as, for health and safety reasons, washrooms (including portable facilities) will not be available.
Physical distancing of at least two metres must be maintained and must be respected at all times, according to the municipality. Users are instructed to take turns, and be "mindful of others waiting to use the splash pad." Playground equipment near these amenities will remain closed in accordance with the Provincial Emergency Order and bylaw enforcement officers will be patrolling regularly to ensure that physical distancing and safety regulations are being respected.
Weather permitting, the daily hours of operation for the splash pads are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Cache Bay Community Centre splash pad; South Side Park and Splash Park in Sturgeon Falls; and, the splash pad in France Gareau Park in Verner. Beaches have been open in West Nipissing since mid-June.
The municipality has taken a careful approach by "reviewing opportunities to implement Stage 2 access." Although many were eligible for reopening by a provincial directive as of June 12, West Nipissing wanted "to conduct a thorough assessment of services and work with the local health unit to ensure that proper safety measures are in place."
Municipality of West Nipissing splash pad safety regulations:
- Maintain a physical distance of at least two metres between other users that are not a part of the same household/social circle.
- Take turns and be mindful of others waiting to use the splash pad.
- Wash and sanitize hands frequently — please bring your own alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Do not bring toys on the splash pad.
- Avoid touching public surfaces and sharing items.
- Towels, goggles, and other similar items should not be shared.
- Visitors should not enter the park if they are feeling unwell.
- Washrooms are not available. Please plan accordingly.
- Public washrooms, play structures, slides, and swings in the Municipality of West Nipissing remain closed until further notice.