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BayToday Picture Play Gallery: Super noggin!

Our colleague Greg Estabrooks from Cogeco TV graciously has agreed to shave his head at the Relay For Life event Friday night at 22 Wing CFB North Bay if the Canadian Cancer Society-North Bay Branch sold 3,000 luminaries by noon on June 20th.
Our colleague Greg Estabrooks from Cogeco TV graciously has agreed to shave his head at the Relay For Life event Friday night at 22 Wing CFB North Bay if the Canadian Cancer Society-North Bay Branch sold 3,000 luminaries by noon on June 20th.

At 8pm last night the hum of the electric razor could be heard as the group reached its goal, and to sweeten the pot folks had a chance to lop of the silvery locks if they made a $50 donation … much to the Relay team’s delight there was a line up for that as well headed by Event Chair Cheryl Neault (shown).

Luminaries are candles placed in special bags that line the track and bear the name of cancer survivors or those who have lost their battle to cancer. After being lit during a twilight ceremony, luminaries provide light and inspiration to participants all night long.

Relay For Life events take place throughout the province during the month of June, with the goal of raising over $10.5 million to help the Society fund promising research into all types of cancer and provide information and support services for people living with cancer and their families.


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